Friday, April 27, 2018

Oh, No He Did Not. Oh, Yes He Did.

After wisely keeping his mouth shut about the Stormy Daniels' debacle for months, Donald Trump breaks that silence -- not once but twice -- and puts his foot in his mouth up to the hip bone.

His story has always been, "didn't know her, certainly didn't fuck her, barely know Michael Cohen, he doesn't speak for me, he's not my attorney."


First, he's on Air Force One when a reporter says, "Mr. President, did you know about the $130,000 payment to Stormy Daniels?" His answer? Yes, he actually answered. No, he didn't know about the payment. Yes, Michael Cohen was his attorney...

Jaw drop!

 Then, in one of those stellar moments where his ass is chapped and his ego's been kicked in the nuts, he calls Fox & Friends to burble off at the mouth and have a tirade about this, that, and the other thing, when -- without prompting, without a question asked by the hosts -- goes off on the unfairness of how Michael Cohen is getting at the hands of the "fake news media". And we get...

“Michael would represent me, and represent me on some things. He represents me, like with this crazy Stormy Daniels deal, he represented me,” Trump said. “And you know from what I see, he did absolutely nothing wrong.”


Okay. Which is it? He knows or he doesn't know. He paid or he didn't pay. Cohen is his lawyer or he isn't. Cohen had Trump's permission or he didn't. He's the lawyer or he's not.  PICK A STORY AND STICK TO IT.

I honestly haven't see anyone shoot themselves in the foot like Trump. He's bound and determined to do what he wants, when he wants, even against the advice of those with cooler heads and a finger on the pulse of a nation. One moment, I think that, maybe, he's sincere about wanting to be a good president and just goes about it the wrong way. The next minute, I think he's bound and determined to get himself impeached because he never wanted to do this job to begin with.

Most of the time, I just think he's drawing the line in the sand to see what anyone is going to do about it. And I keep thinking that someone, somewhere, in Congress is going to grow a set of balls and take him up on his dare. And start that impeachment process.

Please, Mr. Mueller...light a fire under this and get it done asap. Give them the ammo so we can get this dumbass out of the White House because this place goes up in flames. I'm too young to die.

Soap Box Hero.

Monday, April 16, 2018

You Have To Have A Mind Before You Can Change It

Sorry, Trumpsters -- I am not one of those who has any great love of the current POTUS. I don't hate the man; I don't know him personally. But I don't respect him, I didn't vote for him, and by the time all is said and done, I think Donald Trump just beat out Warren G Harding, Richard Nixon, and George W Bush--in that order--as the absolutely worst President in the history of this country.

The man has the temperament of a six year old. He might be intelligent--I say might--but a six year old as more impulse control than the Cheeto in Chief. He's been caught in more "lies" than any other president. His "alternative facts" have been fact checked ad infinitum and, at best, a handful have been partially correct. The rest have been out and out mistruths. He says what he's thinking without stopping to consider the consequences. And then has to back pedal the next day, making it look like his cabinet members or ambassadors seem to be the ones out of step.

The White House has a revolving door for the Cabinet members. Watching them come and go is like being in retail again, in a job that has an incredibly high turnover rate. Why would anyone want to work there when you're probably going to get fired within a month. Remember Anthony Scaramucci?

He is petulant, his temper tantrums are many--just check the twitter feed. Everyone has to have a derogatory nickname. He spends his nights tweeting about how everyone hates him and nobody likes him. I'm still waiting for him to make the declaration of going out to the White House rose garden to eat worms. His sense of decorum is non-existent. His speeches always manage to end up being about him, feeding his own ego. The old expression of "there's a time and a place..." seems to escape him completely. He holds a small ceremony to pay homage to the Navajo code talkers turns into a diatribe about Senator Elizabeth Warren, using the name "Pocahontas" in a derogatory racial slur. What the hell did that have to do with the reason these brave men were there? The man has the attention span of a guppy, the impulse control of a preschooler, and has to pick fights with anyone and everyone, whining because they were mean to him. Insisting that White Supremacists are "very fine people too" when these jerks were parading in a African-American area and crying out about the inferiority of people of color or Jewish persuasion? What the fuck? He has about as much empathy with anyone as a brick, telling a widow that her deceased husband knew he could die and she needed to suck it up. I'm still shaking my head.

Personally, I don't care who he fucked and when he did it. That's between him and the wife. Ain't my business and I want to keep it that way. But the idea of paying hush money to silence someone that he allegedly slept with? When it could be considered a campaign finance violation? That's illegal. Did the Trump campaign collude with Russia to sway the election? Probably not. But I have no doubt that there were some associated with his campaign, starting with those two vapid morons, Donald Jr. and Eric, who did. Or tried. That's illegal. And then Trump tried to cover it up -- that's obstruction of justice. That's illegal. And firing Comey, "stick up the ass" moralist that he is, was
also obstruction--especially when Trump went on national TV and admitted that Comey got fired over the Russia investigation. And now, despite Sarah Huckabee's press briefings to the contrary, he wants to fire Rod Rosenstein and Robert Mueller to stop the investigation? It's too late for that and, believe me, is also obstruction of justice.

Donald Trump thinks he is above the law and the rules of governing. He has no idea of Constitutional Law, nor does his battery of lawyers. Why? Because he didn't bother to vet them for that reason. He is woefully ignorant of the legalities of his position. Because the Federal Courts are finding his Executive Orders as unconstitutional and therefore illegal, he whines that they don't know what they're talking about, making law as they go. Uh, no, Donnie--they are interpreting the laws as Congress wrote and passed them. That's what the Judicial Branch does.

He whines and calls anything he doesn't like "fake news". He accuses everyone of bias. He's already insulted and put off his own Intelligence Groups. They do the job, but not for him. He's against a free press, calling the most reliable networks, magazines, and newspapers "fake news" and accuses them of bias. Why? Because he doesn't like what he reads--when he takes the time to read at all.

Labeling James Comey as the biggest leaker of all, he then turns around and pardons "Scooter" Libby, who was convicted of leaking sensitive and classified information, and lying to prosecutors and intelligence officials. Can you say "hypocrite"?

The man scares me. Because he doesn't have what it takes and we've seen that more and more in the last year. The GOP in Congress have the power to do something about it, but they won't. Party before people. Isn't that always the way? The Democrats are just as bad. I just hope we can survive this lout and get his ass out of office on the next election.

I just hope we can survive.

~Soap Box Hero~

Sunday, April 15, 2018

Enough with the Sob Story Commercials!

The maiden post of the Soap Box Hero blog. Welcome and have at.

Every single commercial break, same damn sob story commercial. Same one! Over and over and over. And if it's not the Mother Hubbard, it's other one. It's another animal sob story commercial. Or another sob story about that kid having to walk a mile for water.
Look, I'm not saying the world is perfect. Yes, child hunger -- ANYONE's hunger -- is a travesty in a world or country that can afford and has the ability to feed everyone. NO ONE should go hungry. And the crime of animal hunting for trophies is beyond criminal--I blame that Orange Buffoon, but that's another rant for another day. The hunters and poachers should be shot.
But Jesus H Roosevelt Christ, there is such a thing as overkill. As saturating the market. I don't even listen to these things anymore. I stopped listening long ago. It hurts my soul because there's nothing I can do about it. I do my little bit but, fuck... And you know what? After seeing that damned Mother Hubbard commercial at least 6 times an hour for the last two hours, I don't give a damn anymore. I change the channel rather than listen or watch. Mother Hubbard? Get your goddamn tubes tied and stop having so many children, if you can't feed them. Welcome to the real world.
And I don't like being like that. I'm not hard hearted. I'm not unsympathetic to the plight of others. I wasn't raised to be that way. If I have it, I share it. I give it. But not with these constant barrage of commercials. Sparingly is how you hook people in. Not beating them over the head with the constant sob story hammer.

The Soap Box Hero

The Radicalization of the United States

 And as the days of Donald Trump pass by -- and not fast enough to suit my tastes, thanks -- I'm still left to wonder. Is #DerTrumpenfuh...

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